Thursday, May 5, 2011

"What Were They Thinking Thursday??!!" - What is That??

I am all about using things differently than what they are intended for, but sometimes it just doesn't work. Yes, it is good to re-use things instead of just throwing them away but there is a limit to what can be done with old newspapers.

I think the idea of using things in a different way also stems from the current trend to be different and unique. Especially in my generation, we all want to stand out and not conform to the rules past. Why do you think we have baby names like Apple and Harper? We are obsessed with going against the grain even in naming our children. We all want to have something that no-one else has, we want to be different and have new ideas. But seriously, there is nothing new under the sun. You might think that you were the first one to use pipe cleaners as a fine art piece in your home, but typing it into google gets you 168,000 results.

Ok, I am really not going that deep with this blog post! I just wanted to show you some hilarious things that people use for purposes not intended.

First up, ironing boards!

Ironing boards are not be used for dinner parties!

Or Bars!!

But just like in anything, the rules can be broken. Since the trend is to be different and unique, the outcome can be some really fabulous designs.

This is awesome! The ironing board makes the perfect bookshelf for this space because it is narrow and it looks great painted that bold red!

This antique ironing board makes a really cute bedside table.

Next up, Corks!
Seriously!!?? A cork baseboard, what were these people thinking!!!

Just plain ugly. Don't ever use corks to make your own window valence!

You can make cute little stamps out of your old corks!

Or use them as a vase filler. Great for getting candles to stay in place.

TV trays are not for permanent side tables or coffee tables! Just looks tacky and under-scaled.

If you need to utility of a TV tray but don't want something you always have to fold up and put away, try these pull-up tables from Crate & Barrel. They are sleek enough to leave out by the sofa but still very easy to move around. 

An example of breaking the rules. This antique TV tray looks shabby chic painted and used as a side table.

Don't use sculptures for hat stands!

Hmm, creative but does not look good. I don't want a reminder of the laundry I need to do lighting up in my face!

 Yikes, looks like they have been whisking up some cotton candy!

Don't try to dress up you fan with shells. This would just be way too noisy with the fan is going!

Oh what to do with the speakers? Nothing! Leave them alone! Don't try to make them blend in, you only call  more attention to them.

Windows: Don't do this to yours!!

 Sheets are for the bed, 7am sunrise!

 Trying to save money on your electric bill? Don't put foil in your windows! Not only does it look tacky but your blinding the cars are they drive by.

Get rid of the boxes! 

Newspapers are not for window coverings! I am all about re-using them but not like this!

 Newspapers make great gift wrap!

Use them to layout your art wall before putting nails all over the wall. 

And now for some really creative ideas that work!

 A barstool turns into a sink in this small bathroom. Looks great! 

 A tent inside the house? Yes! Looks fabulous! 

 Wow! I love this! Frame samples used to cover the ceiling.

An old yard stick backsplash...hmmm..

 yes! It looks great in this downtown loft apartment.

So what do you think? Are people getting a little crazy with trying to be different? Or are some people just tacky or too cheap to buy something that was meant for the job? I think it's a combo. What are some of the craziest things you have seen?
