Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vitamin B Boost: A little inspiration

In light of the recent fires and 9/11 anniversary, I feel like we all need to feel hope and continue to live everyday in spite of the hardships that we deal with daily.  Here's some things that give me hope and keep me going.....

My son

My husband.  Both my boys have a great sense of humor and always keep my spirits up!

My puppy, Reeses!

There's nothing better than a cup of coffee on a brisk morning and even better with a little art!

Curl up with this new Missoni Throw from Target (sale starts today!)

Places I have traveled...
Park in Paris


So many places to travel and so little time...

 Art. Love this collage from 20x200.com -Well-being 1 by Valerie Roybal

Memories of loved ones gone.

Ninewest- Unmixed $109.00
A great pair of shoes always makes me feel fantastic!  I think it's because you don't feel fat when you have to go up a size.

Anything that keeps me organized.  This is the from http://www.seejanework.com/productcart/pc/Bright-Ideas-c251.htm.  I love this website; lots of bright colors and being organized looks so chic!

What keeps you going? ~Brandy

1 comment:

  1. Love those shoes! And you crack me up, Rose Feller had it right, "Clothes never look any good...food just makes me fatter...shoes always fit."

